Some thoughts…
Colder Weather Injury Prevention
I’ve noticed since Thanksgiving that physical injuries are on the rise. Colder weather means colder muscles and often an increase in stress from the holiday season. Even if you love the holidays, you may still be doing more than you normally do, and an increased mental or physical load can contribute to a cortisol rise. Movement, stretching, breathwork, hydration, and well-rounded in-season nutrition can all support our bodies during a season change.
What it Means to Move as an American
This concept came to me after listening to a podcast one of my clients sent me on The President’s Physical Fitness Test, which is definitely worth a listen when you get a chance. As a former Suffolk County Zone Award Winner, which basically means you were a good student and participated in physical education class, I realized that I was the outlier, not the norm. It inspired me to think about how fitness has mostly been a core element in my life, but that’s not the case for all.