Colder Weather Injury Prevention

I’ve noticed since Thanksgiving that physical injuries are on the rise. Colder weather means colder muscles, and there’s often an increase in stress from the holiday season. Even if you love the holidays, you may still be doing more than you normally do, and an increased mental or physical load can contribute to a rise in cortisol. Movement, stretching, breathwork, hydration, and well-rounded in-season nutrition can all support our bodies during a season change.

Here are some winter tips that can prevent injuries:

  • Key physical areas to focus on for stretching / mobility include:

    • Lower back/pelvis

    • Shoulder/neck

    • Thoracic spine/upper back

    • Hip flexors (front of hips)

    • Glutes

  • Warm up fully before physical activity (yes, that even includes shoveling snow or picking up heavy items).

  • Be mindful of how long you’re sitting at tables or on couches and of your posture.

  • Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. While this may seem daunting to some, do your best. Even though it’s colder, we still need to stay hydrated.

  • Spend 5–10 minutes daily on breathwork to support your nervous system. My favorites include diaphragmatic breathing, three-part breathing, and extended exhales.

  • If you’re standing for long periods of time cooking, baking, or washing dishes and notice your glutes (butt) clenching, take a split stance with one foot in front and one behind to relieve pressure on the pelvic floor and core.

  • If you don’t have the energy to exercise, walking is a wonderful way to keep muscles active without added intensity.


What it Means to Move as an American